MIKROTIK QSFP28 to 4x SFP28 break-out cable, 3m | Fuego.sk

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MIKROTIK QSFP28 to 4x SFP28 break-out cable, 3m

XQ+BC0003-XS+ is a QSFP28 to 4x SFP28 break-out cable. This addition to the MikroTik 100 Gigabit product line allows you to connect multiple 25 Gigabit devices to your CRS504 or CCR2216. With the integrated SFP28 modules, connecting numerous devices becomes as simple as it gets. The cable is 3 meters long – the perfect length to reach all the necessary spots while keeping your server room neat and tidy. Supports also dividing 40G line into 4 x 10G lines.
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XQ+BC0003-XS+ is a QSFP28 to 4x SFP28 break-out cable. This addition to the MikroTik 100 Gigabit product line allows you to connect multiple 25 Gigabit devices to your CRS504 or CCR2216. With the integrated SFP28 modules, connecting numerous devices becomes as simple as it gets. The cable is 3 meters long – the perfect length to reach all the necessary spots while keeping your server room neat and tidy. Supports also dividing 40G line into 4 x 10G lines.
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